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[02-03 22:02:42]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  小升初英语试题   阅读:8754

概要:37. [ A ] calculation[ B ] average[ C ] estimate[ D ] total38. [ A ] fantasy[ B ] monument[ C ] legend[ D ] record39. [ A ] at[ B ] for[ C ] over[ D ] on40. [ A ] since[ B ] although[ C ] unless[ D ] ifSection ⅢReading ComprehensionPart ADirections.Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1The future of space exploration depends on many things. It depends on how technology evolves, how politic


  37. [ A ] calculation[ B ] average[ C ] estimate[ D ] total

  38. [ A ] fantasy[ B ] monument[ C ] legend[ D ] record

  39. [ A ] at[ B ] for[ C ] over[ D ] on

  40. [ A ] since[ B ] although[ C ] unless[ D ] if

  Section ⅢReading Comprehension
  Part A


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  Text 1

  The future of space exploration depends on many things. It depends on how technology evolves, how political forces shape competition and partnerships between nations, and how important the public feels space exploration is. The near future will see the continuation of human space flight in Earth' s orbit and unpiloted space flight within the solar system. Piloted space flight to other planets, or even back to the moon, still seems far away. Any flight to other solar systems is even more distant, but a huge advance in space technology could drive space exploration into realms currently explored only by science fiction.

  The 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey depicted commercial shuttles flying to and from a giant wheel-shaped space station in orbit around Earth, bases on the moon, and a piloted mission to Jupiter. The real space activities of 2001 will not match this cinematic vision, but the 21 st century will see a continuation of efforts to transform humanity into a spacefaring species.

  Perhaps the most difficult problem space planners face is how to finance a vigorous program of piloted space exploration, in Earth' s orbit and beyond. In 1998 no single government or international enterprise had plans to send people back to the moon, much less to Mars. Such missions are unlikely to happen until the perceived value exceeds their cost.

  One belief shared by a number of space exploration experts is that future lunar and Martian expeditions should be aimed at creating permanent settlements. The residents of such outposts would have to "live off the land," obtaining such necessities as oxygen and water from the harsh environment. On the moon, pioneers could obtain oxygen by heating lunar soil. In 1998 the Lunar Prospector discovered evidence of significant deposits of ice, a valuable resource for settlers, mixed with soil at the lunar poles. On Mars, oxygen could be extracted from the atmosphere and water could come from buried deposits of ice.

  The future of piloted lunar and planetary exploration remains largely unknown. Most space exploration scientists believe that people will be on the moon and Mars by the middle of the 21st century, but how they get there, and the nature of their visits, is a subject of continuing debate. Clearly, key advances will need to be made in lowering the cost of getting people off Earth, the first step in any human voyage to other worlds.

  41. A flight to other solar systems will be made more possible by

  [ A ] technological breakthroughs.

  [ B ] international co-operation.

  [ C ] market competition.

  [ D ] public pressure.

  42. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that human society will become increasingly

  [ A ] worried about life on other planets.

  [ B ] dependent on space tourism.

  [ C ] accustomed to long-distance flights.

  [ D ] associated with space exploration.

  43. According to this text, piloted space missions will need to be

  [ A ] more exciting than earlier film versions.

  [B ] supported by international organizations.

  [C ] more cost-effective than they appear to be at present.

  [ D ] financed by individual governments.

  44. It is predicted that people who will live on other planets would have to

  [ A ] appreciate the harsh conditions they encounter there.

  [ B ] depend on the natural resources available there.

  [ C ] take most daily necessities along with them.

  [ D ] engage in scientific research.

  45. It is difficult to send people to other planets because of

  [ A ] lack of capacity of space exploration vehicles.

  [ B ] the financial expenditure involved in space travel.

  [ C ] controversial nature of space travel.

  [ D ] the uncertain future of space exploration.

  Text 2

  Empowering workers constitutes the first step toward a stronger economy and stronger citizenry. It is a vital step toward overcoming inequality in American society. During the 1980s, the need for better wages for all workers increased as women, traditionally secondary earners, assumed greater responsibility for their own and their children' s well-being. Yet the ability to raise families to a decent living standard through wage work decreased; real wages fell for most workers. And the Federal Government enacted no new policies to facilitate the integration of work and family, as working women and working families suffered a loss in political power as well.

  Black or Hispanic women are four times as likely to be low-wage workers as are white men with comparable skills and experience. White women are more than three times as likely as white men to be low-wage workers, and black or Hispanic men more than one-and-a-half times as likely.

  More than half of all low-wage workers are the only wage workers in their families, or live alone.

  Employment no longer provides an escape from poverty. More than eight million working adults are poor; two million of them work full-time, year-round. More than seven million poor children have at least one working parent. When that one working parent is a low-wage worker, the children have no better chance of escaping from poverty than if the parent were not working at all; more than two-fifths of such children are poor.

  Even if generous income assistance were available, the wages employers pay would be held to a minimum. In addition, policies such as tax credits for working parents do nothing to increase the political power of working women and men.

  Our research shows that unionization is among the most effective strategies for raising pay, especially for women and minority men. Being a union member, or being covered by a collective bargaining agreement, raised 1984 wages by $ 1.79 per hour for Hispanic men, $ 1.32 for black men, $ 1.26 for Hispanic women, $ 1.01 for black women, $ 0.68 for white women, and $ 0.41 for white men, when all other factors, such as occupation, industry, firm size, education and experience were held constant. In percentage terms, the union increase was more than 15 percent for blacks and Hispanics, 11 percent for white women, and 4 percent for white men.

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