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[02-03 20:30:22]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  小升初英语试题   阅读:8157

概要:一.写出下列单词的变化形式。1.read(现在分词)2.swim(现在分词)3.ride(现在分词)4.dance(现在分词)5.paint(现在分词)6.collect(现在分词)7.email(复数)8.story(复数)二、英汉短语互译:1.见到你很高兴6.write emails and stories in English2.拉小提琴7.pet dog3.说法语8.be friend4.给……写信5.笔友三、单项选择() 1.This iscousin.A.IB. myC. mine() 2. He can.A. singsB. ?ingC. singing() 3.She can playdrums.A. theB. 不填C. a() 4.I canEnglish.A. tellB. sayC. speak() 5.I can write emailsEnglish.A. onB. inC. of四、根据句意及单词首字母提示补充句子,使句意完整。1. Pto meet you Daming.2. You sEnglish ve



  1.read(现在分词)  2.swim(现在分词)  3.ride(现在分词)

  4.dance(现在分词)  5.paint(现在分词)  6.collect(现在分词)

  7.email(复数)  8.story(复数) 


  1.见到你很高兴           6.write emails and stories in English

  2.拉小提琴             7.pet dog

  3.说法语              8.be friend

  4.给……写信            5.笔友


  (  ) 1.This is cousin.

  A.I  B. my  C. mine

  (  ) 2. He can .

  A. sings  B. ?ing  C. singing

  (  ) 3.She can play drums.

  A. the  B. 不填  C. a

  (  ) 4.I can English.

  A. tell  B. say  C. speak

  (  ) 5.I can write emails English.

  A. on  B. in  C. of


  1. P to meet you Daming.

  2. You s English very well.

  3. This is my C pen friends.

  4. He is f English.

  5. I can p football.

  6. She can play drums.


  1. are, names, Sam, their, and, Amy


  2. play, can, the, you, violin


  3. you, pen, friend, can, my, Chinese, be


  4. can, I, some, speak, English


  5. address, my, is, in, this, England



  1. Are there(some, any) beautiful postcards on the desk?

  2. Let’s(buy) some presents.

  3. Do you like(go) climbing?

  4. Shall we(start, starting) our lesson now?

  5. He is my(English) friend.

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