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外研版六年级英语下册 Module 3

[02-03 20:16:00]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  小升初六年级英语同步   阅读:8164

概要:外研版(一起)六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 练习题【模拟试题】1. 选出每组中与其他三个不同属一类的单词,并把它的编号写在括号内:( )(1)A. doll B. bear C. panda D. kangaroo( )(2)A. bus-driver B. fire fighter C. father-in-law D. cook( )(3)A. hamburger B. hot dog C. noodles D. goal( )(4)A. ear B. eye C. ginger D. month( )(5)A. angrily B. friendly C. quickly D. happily2. 根据要求写单词:I. 写出它们的比较级和最高级形式:(1)hot _____________ _____________(2)friendly _________ ________(3)important ___________ __________II. 写出它们的过去式和-ing形式:(4)sit ____________ __________

外研版六年级英语下册 Module 3,标签:小升初英语复习资料,http://www.99youjiao.com

  外研版(一起)六年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 练习题


  1. 选出每组中与其他三个不同属一类的单词,并把它的编号写在括号内:

  ( )(1)A. doll B. bear C. panda D. kangaroo

  ( )(2)A. bus-driver B. fire fighter C. father-in-law D. cook

  ( )(3)A. hamburger B. hot dog C. noodles D. goal

  ( )(4)A. ear B. eye C. ginger D. month

  ( )(5)A. angrily B. friendly C. quickly D. happily

  2. 根据要求写单词:

  I. 写出它们的比较级和最高级形式:

  (1)hot _____________ _____________

  (2)friendly _________ ________

  (3)important ___________ __________

  II. 写出它们的过去式和-ing形式:

  (4)sit ____________ ____________

  (5)hear ___________ ____________

  (6)hold ____________ ____________

  (7)write ____________ __________

  (8)put ____________ ____________

  III. 写出它们的副词形式:

  (9)easy _____________ (10)gentle _____________

  3. 按要求改写句子:

  I. 反意疑问句:

  (1)He didn’t study at this school, _____________?

  (2)Lily likes reading, _____________ ?

  (3)Mr Mai is working in Room 208, _____________ ?

  II. 一般疑问句:

  (4)_____________ Tom help David yesterday?

  (5)_____________ the children play a game at three yesterday afternoon ?

  III. 否定句:

  (6)The sheep _____________ as heavy as that little cow.

  (7)There is _____________ air on the moon.

  IV. 特殊疑问句:

  (8)Where _____________ Roy live two years ago?

  (9)What song _____________ she singing?

  (10)How many students _____________ there an hour ago?


  4. 选择正确答案填空:

  (1)How many _____________ are there under the bed?

  A. pair of shoe B. pairs of shoe

  C. pair of shoes D. pairs of shoes

  (2)We can see the moon and the stars _____________ night.

  A. in B. on C. at D. for

  (3)Are you ready _____________ the party?

  A. with B. to C. for D. from

  (4)My parents usually go _____________ a walk after supper.

  A. with B. to C. for D. from

  (5)I’m sure we can catch up _____________ the others.

  A. to B. for C. from D. with

  (6)I’m bad _____________ music.

  A. in B. on C. at D. for

  (7)He was born _____________ June 12, 1970.

  A. in B. on C. at D. for

  (8)Do you have _____________ to ask Miss Jones?

  A. anything B. every thing C. nothing D. the things

  (9)He _____________ for my bag an hour ago.

  A. looks B. looked C. is looking D. will look

  (10)If it _____________ tomorrow, we will climb the hill.

  A. won’t snow B. aren’t snowing

  C. doesn’t snow D. wasn’t snowing

  (11)We _____________ (start) at eight tomorrow morning.

  A. starts B. started C. are starting D. were starting

  (12)Look at the children. They_____________ under the tree.

  A. dance B. danced C. are dancing D. were dancing

  (13)Last Saturday we _______ a lot of flowers along the streets.

  A. grow B. grew C. are growing D. grows

  (14)When I got there, he _____________ on the sofa.

  A. sleeps B. slept C. is sleeping D. was sleeping

  (15)_____________ any flour in the box?

  A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have

  (16)Did the man speak _____________?

  A. loud B. loudly C. angry D. gentle

  (17)The room is as _____________ as that one.

  A. quiet B. quietly C. quieter D. quietest

  (18)This pencil is _____________ than that one.

  A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest

  (19)Russia is _____________ country in the world.

  A. big B. bigger C. is looking D. will look

  (20)Is this book _____________ of the three.

  A. interesting B. more interesting

  C. most interesting D. the most interesting

  (21)My mother died last month.


  A. All men must die B. That’s nothing

  C. I’m sorry to hear that D. I’m sad

  (22)Your grandpa is at hospital.

  Oh no!___________________

  A. What’s wrong with him? B. What is that?

  C. It’s sounds great? D. How dangerous!


  5. 根据中文提示完成句子:

  (1)The girl ________________ (正在参观博物馆) at 9 yesterday morning.

  (2)____________ the boy _____________ (做作业) yesterday evening?

  (3)The old woman __________(住在乡下) with her daughter two years ago.

  (4)Meg _______________________________(病了) last Sunday.

  (5)The man cleaned a white car,_________________________ (对吗)?

  (6)The boy ___________________________________(跟我儿子一样高) .

  (7)Chinese _________________________________ (更重要),I think.

  (8)The old man ___________________________ (慢跑) every morning.

  (9)__________ that boy _______________________ (最高)in his class?

  (10)___________ Jane ________________ (离开办公室) at about five?

  6. 写出对话中单词所缺的字母:

  (1)A:Let’s m _____________ the room.

  B:OK. How h _____________ is it?

  A:Three metres.

  (2)A:Do you like my new sweater?

  B:Yes,very m _________. It’s m _____ beautiful than mine.

  A:I think the colour of y__________ is too dark.

  (3)A:I have a pet. It’s a dog. Do you have any pet?

  B:Yes, I have a dog,t___________.

  A:What d_______________ it look like?

  B:It’s a black German dog. It’s s__________ than yours.

  (4)A:D________ your classmates like running?

  B:Yes, they do.

  A:Who runs f ____________ in your class?

  B:Mo Sam.

  (5)A:You stayed in Beijing last month, d__________ you?

  B:Yes, I d_____________.

  A:W___________ places you visit in Beijing?

  B:Tiananmen Square, Summer Palace a _________ the Great Wall.

  (6)A:Who m ___________ the cake?

  B:Sally and her mother.

  A:Wang Xin, c __________ you m __________ a cake like this?

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