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[02-03 20:15:27]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  小升初六年级英语同步   阅读:8135

概要:外研版(一起)六年级英语下册阅读训练 8一、 完形填空。Today is Saturday. It is Linda’s 1________. She is very happy. 2______ parents would like to have a party for her. Linda 3_______ some good friends to her home. Look! A big cake is on the table and there are 13 candles 4_______ the cake. There are lots of 5______ on the table, such as hamburgers, chicken and fish. They are Linda’s 6_______ food. Her friends 7______ “Happy Birthday” to her 8______play games with her. After the party, L


  外研版(一起)六年级英语下册阅读训练 8

  一、 完形填空。

  Today is Saturday. It is Linda’s 1________. She is very happy. 2______ parents would like to have a party for her. Linda 3_______ some good friends to her home. Look! A big cake is on the table and there are 13 candles 4_______ the cake. There are lots of 5______ on the table, such as hamburgers, chicken and fish. They are Linda’s 6_______ food. Her friends 7______ “Happy Birthday” to her 8______play games with her. After the party, Linda’s parnts ask them to go to the 9_____. A good film Looking for Jackie is 10______ this evening. There are some great film stars in the film such as Jackie Chan, Zhang Yishan and Yuan Hua.

  ( )1.A.party B.work C.birthday D.family

  ( )2.A.Her B.My C.His D.Its

  ( )3.A.meets B.invites C.has D.lives

  ( )4.A.on B. at C.with D.about

  ( )5.A.meat B.fruit C.drink D.food

  ( )6.A.good B.fine C.favourtite D.great

  ( )7.A.give B.talk C.sing D.read

  ( )8.A.but B.and C.so D.or

  ( )9.A.cinema B.school Cstadium D.park

  ( )10.in B.at C.on D.to

  二、 阅读选择。

  My name is Dick. I like flying a kite in the park. Today is my birthday. My father wants to give me a birthday present. After school, he and I go to a shop. It is next to Dongfang Cinema. In the shop, I see a red kite. It’s very nice and I like it very much. But it’s too expensive. We don’t have much

  money. So we are going to make one.

  First, we choose a piece of cardboard(硬纸板)and make it like a bird. Next, we paint the kite. I like green and I paint it green. At last, we use glue and tape to stick the kite.

  Oh, this is a nice kite. Let’s play with it.

  ( ) 11.The writer and his father go to a ____ today.

  A.school B.park C.shop D.cinema

  ( ) 12.What does the writer want to buy?

  A.A kite.

  B. A bird

  C.A piece of cardboard.

  . D. Some glue and tape.

  ( ) 13.The word “expensive” means _______ in Chinese.

  A.可爱的 B.丑陋的 C.昂贵的 D.便宜的

  ( ) 14.Which is NOT true?

  A.They don’t have much money.

  B.They buy a red kite.

  C.They make a green kite.

  D.The green kite is like a bird.

  ( ) 15.What can we know from the passage?

  A. The writer likes the kite he makes.

  B.The green kite is expensive.

  C.The red kite isn’t very nice.

  D.Dick is a kite’s name.

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