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[03-16 15:34:47]   来源:http://www.99youjiao.com  趣味英语   阅读:8626

概要:“望洋兴叹”原来的意思是:看到人家的伟大,才感到自己很渺小。现在多用来比喻做事力量不够,无从着手,而感到无可奈何。 This idiom originally meant feeling one's own insignificance upon seeing another's might. Now it is mostly used to indicate being able to do nothing but sigh in the face of a huge task. details: 秋水时至,百川灌河;泾流之大,两渚崖之间,不辨牛马。于是焉河伯欣然自喜,以天下之美,为尽在己。顺流而东行,至于北海,东面而视,不见水端。 于是焉年,河伯始旋其面目,望洋向若而叹曰:“野语有之曰:‘闻道百,以为莫己若者’,我之谓也。 且夫我尝闻少仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者。始吾弗信,今我睹子之难穷也。之门,则殆矣,吾吾非至于子长见笑于大方之家。” 注释 灌―――-灌溉、注入的意思。 泾――――泾水,这里指水脉。 涘渚崖――涘,水边。渚,水中间现出的小块陆地。崖


  This idiom originally meant feeling one's own insignificance upon seeing another's might. Now it is mostly used to indicate being able to do nothing but sigh in the face of a huge task.




殆――――糟糕、危险的意思 www.99youjiao.com



To Lower the Banners and Silence the Drums

  In the Three Kingdoms Period, during a battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the latter ordered his generals Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to capture Cao Cao's supplies. Cao Cao led a large force against Zhao Yun, who retreated as far as the gates of his camp. There, he ordered that the banners be lowered and the war drums silenced, and that the camp gates be left wide open. Zhao Yun then stationed his troops in ambush nearly. When Cao Cao arrived and saw the situation, he immediately suspected a trap and withdrew his forces.

  This idiom is nowadays used to indicate metaphorically halting an attack or ceasing all activities.

Looking at Plums to Quench the Thirst

  In the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), Cao Cao was once on a campaign during which his men failed to find any water. Cao Cao told them: "There are plum trees ahead. The sweet and sour plums will relieve your thirst." Hearing this, the soldiers thought of the plums and their mouths watered. This cured their thirst.

  This idiom means to comfort oneself with fantasy. www.99youjiao.com

The Disease Has Attacked the Vitals

  In the Spring and Autumn Period, King Jing of the State of Jin fell ill. One night he dreamed that the disease turned into two small figures talking beside him. One said, "I'm afraid the doctor will hurt us." The other said, "Don't worry. We can hide above huang and below gao. Then the doctor will be able to do nothing to us." The next day, having examined the king, the doctor said, "Your disease is incurable, I am afraid, Your Majesty. It's above huang and below gao, where no medicine can reach."

  This idiom indicates a hopeless condition.



Songs of Chu on All Sides

  At the end of the Qin Dynasty (BC 221-206), the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control of the country. Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged at a place called Caixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang. Xiang Yu was in a desperate situation, with little food and only a few soldiers. At night, the surrounding Han troops started to sing Chu folk songs. Xiang Yu was very surprised at this, and said, "Has Liu Bang occupied the whole of Chu? How can he have drafted so many Chu people into his army?" Then he fled together with the remainder of his forces. www.99youjiao.com

  This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides.

The Man of Qi who Worried That the Sky Would Fall

  In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imagination run away with him. One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head. He was so worried that he could neither eat nor sleep. Later, someone persuaded him that his fears were groundless.

  This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.

Contradicting Oneself

  In ancient times, there was a man who sold spears and shields. He used to boast, "My spears are the sharpest things in the world. They can penetrate anything." A moment later he would boast, "My shields are the toughest things in the world. Nothing can penetrate them." One day, a passerby asked him: "What would happen if you threw one of your spears at one of your shields?" www.99youjiao.com

  This idiom, "contradicting oneself", and the noun 矛盾, contradiction, all came from the above story.

Failing to Pass an Examination


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